Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ockham had his Razor. He Shaved with Delicacy. I Sever with Blunt Force Trauma.

"I been stuffed in your pocket for the last hundred days, when I don't get my bath I take it out on the slaves."

Greetings Human Filth,

Welcome to my little corner office in Hell. The view is lovely, the screams like beautiful music, and it's nice and toasty in here. Ahh the life of a whitey middle management corporate scumdog. I have all I need for the most part. A nice place to live, a paid off car, constantly diminishing debts, a good job, and slowly returning strength and health. Oh, and two cats. Cant forget them after all, they run this operation in reality. Im just the pet human. ;)

Ive gotten well enough were I can work out regularly again at the facility gym here. It goes well so far and progress is being made. My goal is to lose all the weght I gaine whilst being sick for 3 years and get back down to the weight and shape i was in my senior year in highschool. 185 and strong as hell. That strength and power is still there it just has to be reawakened. Also my diet is 100 times better than it was before, but I swear healthy food is bloody expensive!

Worried about my Mom alot as she is very very very sick and is declining rapidly.. any prayers to whatever Gods you may believe in would be appreciated.

Dating around a wee bit, trying not to make the same mistakes of the past. I had the rules as far as dating for a reason. I broke them recently and it went rather poorly with great jackassery on both ends. Ya just cant date someone too much younger a/dor with a completely different world view as you.. It's just a waste of material and destine to fail. Have someone I am excited to meet this Friday for drinks and dinner.

This spring/summer will be one of rebirth in many ways I think. A return to the past things that were good for me tha TI enjoyed so much before the coming of the plague. Im coming back to SCA and will attend Pennsic this year. Anyone who reads this crap here have a house that needs an all round mercenary bad ass killer who also doesnt mind doing dishes? lol ;) Think about it kids, shiny clean dishes and our camp's cool factor goes up with just me being there. ;) Plannin on doin some travellin too. Im thinkin Ireland, Germany, and Rome are the targets this year. Maybe the islands.. like Grand Bahama.. hmm cruise ship.. opportunity for pirate activity.. hmm plunder... pillaging. .... I will name my new flagshipp the USS Can a Brother Get a Fish? either that or its the USS Immortal Corruptor. Hmm.... and my God who will play the role of first mate?

I am re-embracing my inner nerd once again, doin some gaming, little larpin, and such. Star Wars the Old Republic and Battlefield 3 are my current time sinks for now. Allthough Mass Effect 3 I think may change things considerably. I blast domes in space for SCIENCE!!

One last thin thank you to all the folks through these recent trials who have been there with the time spent, the calls made and the kind words. Friendship is about being there for one another and being strong for a friend when they are weak. Loyalty, honor, respect and truth is all I ask of people.

Now I leave you all with this to break your minds... Epic rap battles in history.. Hitler vs. Vader.

 Until next time,

"With the Strength of 5 GO-RILLAS!!!"


  1. My thoughts are still with you and Ma- I hope things turn around and she gets well again. Give her a great big hug for me, will you?

    And if I'm able to get around, I was trying to convince the other half to either go to Pennsic or at the very least, the MD Renn Faire this year. Maybe yes?

    Miss you.
    xoxo ~*A

  2. Pooks,

    I miss you soooo much. Thank you Ill tell Mom that youre thinkin of her. Me? im relatively well. The Plague was beaten now im recovering. Let me know about fairre and Pennsic.. Im not sure where im campin or with who yet. Gotta figure that out. Gonna ask Silver Gryphon prolly..

    Miss you,

